Doghalla Games - Portmanteau: A Cooperative Game of Linguistic Fusion

Fuse two words together to create a brand new word!

Quantity: 9

From the designer: 

What exactly is a Portmanteau? It's the fusion of two words to create something entirely new. Take, for instance, the combination of "Spoon" and "Fork," resulting in the delightful "Spork."

In the game Portmanteau, players are working cooperatively as one "speaker" guides the group to select two icons displayed on the table by "fusing" a Portmanteau.

Here's the twist: the speaker doesn't employ actual words but, instead, utilizes the beginning letters of one icon and the ending letters of another. For example, merging "chocolate" and "baseball" yields the whimsical "chocball"! Seems simple enough but the difficulty increases as players must solve different lengths of Portmanteaus to win the game!