Store Showdown 1K!
Jan 19th !
12 pm
Entry $35
Lookin' for Games is proud to host our first Store Showdown 1k! Up to $1000 (in store credit) based on attendance! Event information below:
Date: January 19th, 12PM!
ENTRY: $35 - 32 Player Cap
Players encouraged to have a FFG/Asmodee Account
FORMAT: Constructed - Premier
Swiss, Best-of-3, 55-Minute Rounds
Decklists required
PRIZES: Store credit to top cut - prizes based on attendance, max of 32(shown below), Top 8 promos, and participation promos for all players.
1st $400
2nd $200
3-4th $100
5-8th $50
We will also have door prizes given out randomly! Oversized cards, packs of sleeves, deck boxes, and more! Come on out and help us make this our biggest Star Wars Unlimited event ever!